Clairwood Racecourse,
Trucking and now Nuclear…. How much more can south Durban take?
The South Durban Community Environmental Alliance
(SDCEA) and Clairwood Racecourse Action Committee (CRAC) hosted a community
meeting on the 16th August 2015 at the Merebank Community hall. The
purpose of this meeting was to highlight the many distresses south Durban is
faced with and the proposed deadly Nuclear Development on the Old Durban International
Airport. Roshan Ramdeen welcomed all community members and addressed the crowd on the
purpose of the days meeting and its importance. He went on to explain that we
have had 3 mass public meetings on the Clairwood Racecourse issue and the purpose
of this meeting is to provide an update but also to inform the community about
other developments that are planned for South Durban Area and how all these
will impact on the lives of surrounding communities and beyond. One such new
development is mention of a nuclear plan on the old Durban international
airport site. This meeting was also an engagement for people to express their
Desmond D’Sa
(SDCEA Co-ordinator) spoke on the significance of the Clairwood Racecourse. He
explained his involvement in the issue of the Clairwood Racecourse and where we
are in the process so far what have we done thus far and where we plan on
heading regarding the legal case and our campaign mobilization and awareness
creation? The demolishing site at the moment should not make us give up. We can
still win to make our lives better. The Clairwood racecourse has a lot of
biodiversity and endangered species which we must embrace and not further
destroy. The trucking will increase; pollution will increase and compromise our
health. According to Mr. D’Sa “We are in a legal
appeal process but as we wait on the MEC of Economic , tourism and Environment
to make the decision, we must take our
collective voices into the streets. The appeal documents are available for review
in public libraries of Wentworth and Merebank as well as the eThekwini
Municipality Environmental Health office in Clairwood”.
Junagarth Primary School principal spoke on how this development will affect the
schools. He has done a little research study himself which he explains in his
presentation. A large number of kids at the taxi stop wait for their transports
under the bridge at the Clairwood Racecourse and their lives are in danger
every day and more after this development goes ahead. His observation and
research are the following: 5 schools (Junagarth Primary, St Marys school, Parsee
Rustemjee, Merebank Secondary, Settlers Primary). In total there are 3792
learners and 2555 come from outside Merebank and Wentworth, which is 67%. Educators
at the 5 schools mentioned number146 in total and out of this number 87 come
from outside Merebank and Wentworth (60%). These are alarming figures and risk
the lives of many. According to the principal, “The safety of our kids is at
stake and we cannot afford to sit back and allow it to destroy our lives. There
will traffic congestion and school kids will be late, educators will be late,
then how is schools supposed to managed and run. This is robbing kids of the opportunity
to a fair education’.
Priya Pillay (SDCEA Environmental Project
Officer – Infrastructure and Development) gave a presentation on what will that
development mean to our society and community and how it will impact on our
lives daily. She showed a power point presentation of all the ramification of
this development touching on all the pressing issue that need to be considered
looking at the effects of this in our neighborhood. She spoke about the traffic
concerns and the increase in trucking and how this will threaten the lives of
people and especially kids daily. Ms. Pillay expressed her disappointment, “Looking
at the audience it was sad to realize that no youth was there, and went on to
say that they are the future generation and they need to be at the forefront of
these issues because their parents and grandparents can take up the struggle
today but who is going to take it up in the future, they need to be more active
and participate”. The Clairwood racecourse is 95 years old. It is a legacy and
that all that beauty and green space will be destroyed all in the name of
profit. This development is unacceptable and we cannot allow big business to
take over our lives. She emphasized that we need to stand up and be heard
otherwise there will be nothing to show to our kids only what they will learn about in their history books
Noluthando Mbeje (Environmental
Project Officer – Communications, Energy and Health) gave an extremely powerful
presentation introducing us to a new development that is intended for South
Durban which is a nuclear plant. She explained what a nuclear plan or nuclear
energy is and went on to speak about the impacts it can have on society. This
development is expected to generate electricity for industries and this means a
big threat to people. It costs 1 Trillion rand and in South Africa will end up
being about 4 trillion and we cannot afford this type finance. Her presentation
consisted of pictures depicting the effects of nuclear disasters on humans and
animals which was very disturbing but eye opening to the realities that can occur.
She spoke about the nuclear disasters in places such as the Three Mile Islands
and Chernobyl in Russia (worst in the history of Nuclear) as well as the most
recent one, in Japan Fukushima and how people from there are still experiencing
the effects even today and we do not want to be on that list. According to Ms.
Mbeje “South Africa can’t expect to walk into a fire and not get burnt”.
The floor was opened for discussions.
The burning issue was on youth involvement as their lives are going to
be altered. The residents were motivating and encouraging each other to keep
moving forward and fighting this Development. ‘No matter how big the obstacles are we can win and
make a difference’; ‘We cannot afford to sit back’, ‘Let’s take these concerns
to our places of worship for support and assistance. God is more powerful than
any business’. The discussion was closed off with the question of ‘How much
more can Merebank take?’
The meeting was closed off with the
following way forward: the communities of south Durban will unite and never give
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