energy referendum
South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA) hosted energy meetings at
the M L Sultan St Marys Primary School Hall on the 2nd March 2017
and at the Austerville Community Hall on the 6th March 2017. The
purpose of this meeting was to educate and mobilise community members on the
proposed nuclear energy build as contemplated by the government and Eskom. Citizens
need to understand that they have the power to refuse or accept nuclear energy
fleet proposed to be built in South Africa. Sustainable energy should be the
main focus in this country not unsustainable and dangerous energy.
meeting was opened by Desmond D’Sa, SDCEA coordinator, who discussed the
important of community unity against unsustainable developments. He then gave a
report back of the Clairwood racecourse development that is currently been
taken review to the high court in Durban. “This community has a history of
environmental activism that has previously brought successful results such as
the closure of Mondi trucks using residential roads. The communities of south
Durban need to unite against this nuclear build as the proposal is to develop a
fleet of these facilities along the South African coastline and will pose an enormous danger to people
and marine life .
D’Sa gave an update on the nuclear court case and
feedback on the workshop he attended in Cape Town regarding the nuclear court
case where Earthlife Africa and SAFCEI is challenging the SA government’s nuclear procurement
process – a process which has been shrouded in secrecy and misinformation. He explained that the nuclear deal
is very dangerous and is done in a very secretive manner; it is very expensive
and will destroy our environment. SDCEA point of view is that we don’t need
nuclear energy in South Africa; it will bankrupt this country and destroy the
environment which the future generations will have to pay for.
Gerard Boyce (Economist in development studies) started off by expressing that
‘we the people have power’ and this power needs to be used very well especially
against the nuclear energy in South Africa. The nuclear deal is presented in a
very technical way, whereas there is also the financial and environmental side
to it. This approach makes the citizens confused and view nuclear energy as a
very complex and scientific thing. There is a lot of information that is not
shared nor made available to the public.
People’s power can be
gained by the use of a referendum. The public vote on the nuclear deal instead
of the politicians making a decision. This is a very possible because other
countries have also voted against nuclear energy. For example, in Austria, 1978
it started with less than a quarter of people in this room. Each of us can make
a different. Throughout the world its
young people that have driven the nuclear referendum. According to Dr. Boyce
‘The referendum will benefit citizens by putting people back at the centre of politics, create greater openness and transparency in nuclear
dealings. It will ensure increase in current levels of public participation and
fostering of a culture of participatory democracy. To sum up, it will be a
creation of an active and engaged citizenry.
Mbeje (SDCEA environmental project officer) spoke about nuclear energy campaign
and why communities should be part of this campaign. She started off by
explaining the importance of education and access to information regarding this
deal. SDCEA has been working with other organisations such as Earthlife Africa,
SAFCEI and ground work to name a few. SDCEA has been active in fighting against
proposed nuclear energy plans put into motion by the department of energy in
2011 through public education, community meetings and multiple protests.
together with other organisations has been hosting meeting and bringing
international speakers as far back as 2015. In September 2015 a meeting in M.
L. Sultan St. Mary Primary School in Merebank, and in the Austerville Hall,
Wentworth was held where a member of the Russian environmental group
(Ecodefense) Vladimir Slivyak spoke about rumored nuclear dealings between
South African government and his country. In October 2016 a meeting at the City
of Love Ministry in Merebank, was held where an Indian activist, Mr. Vatakkayil Thazhe Padmanabhan a reputed epidemiologist
who has many years of experience in environmental health issues and nuclear
energy gave a talk on ‘How nuclear energy has affected the people of
India socially, economically and physically’ and linked his talk to how nuclear
energy will affect South Africa.
have committed to be part of protests to highlight why we don’t need nuclear
energy in South Africa. The SDCEA held an anti-nuclear energy picket outside
the Durban City Hal on the 8th February 2017, outside the Department
of Mineral Resources of the 14th December 2016 and several at the
Eskom, Westville offices. A petition is currently being designed to vote
against nuclear energy. According to Mbeje this is where citizens are supposed
to showcase their power by putting down their signature on the petition.
concerns were brought forward at this meeting. The high electricity bills that
pensioners have to pay and the estimation that lead to these high bills. The
municipality doesn’t take meter readings on a monthly basis and only work on 3
months estimations. The other concern was on Eskom having too much electricity
which has been proposed to be given to big users. This should not be allowed as
it will be history repeating itself.
of the greatest successes of having meetings of this nature is that people are
brought together with a common purpose and fruitful engagement. Merebank, Wentworth,
Bluff and Glenwood residents had positive suggestions and input such as:
well over 15 000 signatures on the petition
need to do research on how many people have cancer in south Durban
youth involved
one community and school to start up a renewable energy project one. Do one at
a time.
more people educated and involved.
our marketing system (including social media) as this is time for action
manual petitions for those people that don’t have computers and internet
the Minister of Public Enterprise Ms. Lynn Brown, Energy minister Ms. Tina
Joemat-Pettersson and local Treasury officials to a community meeting to engage
with them on the energy issues affecting local communities.
meetings were only the beginning of many ways to get nuclear energy out of
South Africa. It was agreed that another meeting will be held in the next month
as ongoing mobilisation in every corner of Durban. There was a commitment by
those present to go out and mobilise for more people to be part of the nuclear
campaign. The petitions can be collected at the SDCEA offices for people to
sign and will be posted up on social media, blog and website.
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